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Find Out How Renting Industrial Space Is Not the Same as Renting Homes

A commercial lease is a written agreement between a landlord and a business tenant. This legally binding contract allows you, as the tenant, to use the commercial premises for your business activity. This agreement may be short termed or long termed, that does not really matter, what does is the following– and you need to give each all the focus at your disposal.

 The all-important location
How well is the estate placed? How many access routes lead in and out of the property? What about the demographics involved in the area adjacent to the property? These are some key questions related to the location that you need to answer before taking any step about Industrial Units to Let.

Per Square footage rent is not the actual rent
The true price of leasing and rates are not always as they appear, there is usually more to that than just the per-square foot rate that an agent will quote you. Instead of getting price shockers at the end of the deal, play safe and find out the total cost of Industrial Units to Let.

Practice will get you better at price negotiation

Get some practice on how to talk to owners of industrial properties. Try to get a feel for the process of negotiating a lease. This process will help you understand the market, and will help you get ready to enter into actual negotiations once you have an understanding of what's available, what you need, and what you can ask for during negotiations.

Landlords and agents keep breathing room when they quote prices.  They expect you to negotiate and so you must. The first asking price is the best your landowner expects to get out of you, don’t give it out to them on platter.

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